
Biomedical Stream

International Speakers

Professor Kevin Talbot

Professor Kevin Talbot

Oxford University, UK

Modelling early phase pathogenesis in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Professor Jeremy Shefner

Professor Jeremy Shefner

Barrow Neurological Institute, USA

Global MND/ALS clinical trials update 


Clinical Trial Design for ALS Trials

Professor Ammar Al-Chalabi

Professor Ammar Al-Chalabi

Kings College, London

What causes MND? – genetics, epidemiology, and disease modelling

Professor Stanley Appel

Professor Stanley Appel

Houston Methodist Neurological Institute , USA

Suppressing Neuroinflammation: Cell-Based Therapy in ALS

Professor Kevin Eggan

Professor Kevin Eggan

Harvard University, USA

Professor Don Cleveland

Professor Don Cleveland

Uni. of California, USA

Gene silencing therapy for ALS and beyond

Dr Lucie Bruijn

Dr Lucie Bruijn

Chief Scientist ALSA, USA

Opportunities and Advances in Drug Development For ALS

Professor Michael Benatar

Professor Michael Benatar

Uni. of Miami, USA

The Role of Biomarkers in ALS Therapy Development

Professor Robert Bowser

Professor Robert Bowser

Barrow Neurological Institute, USA

Discovery and use of biomarkers for ALS

Professor Luis Barbeito

Professor Luis Barbeito

Institut Pasteur de Montvideo , Uruguay

Cellular targets of masitinib in a rat ALS model

Australian Speakers

Professor Matthew Kiernan

Professor Matthew Kiernan

Uni. of Sydney, AUS

MND in Australia – where we’ve been, where we are, and where we are going

Professor Steve Vucic

Professor Steve Vucic

Uni. of Sydney, AUS

Phase 2 Randomised Placebo‑Controlled Double‑Blind Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Tecfidera in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (TEALS Study)

Professor Naomi Wray

Professor Naomi Wray

Uni. of Queensland, AUS

Big ‘omics data in ALS: Current results and future prospects

Professor Robert Henderson

Professor Robert Henderson

Uni. of QLD, AUS

A Phase I Australian clinical trial of an immunotherapeutic drug in MND/ALS patients

Professor Julian Gold

Professor Julian Gold

Albion Centre, AUS

Lighthouse Trial: A Phase II clinical trial of Triumeq in MND/ALS patients

Dr Joseph Nicolazzo

Dr Joseph Nicolazzo

Monash Uni, AUS

The blood-brain barrier: an obstacle for CNS drug delivery impacted by motor neurone disease

Assoc. Professor Paul Talman

Assoc. Professor Paul Talman

Deakin Uni, AUS

Australian MND Registry; What 14 years of data-collection has taught us about MND/ALS